Monday, July 19, 2010

Reality check...

In life, sooner or later, you will meet someone who you think is nice, humble and talks to you in a very nice way. Soon enough, when he realizes that you have something that he can use to his advantage, he'll get close to you. He'll take all the trouble to call you and ask to meet you and one fine day later, you met him. Of course, being a friend, you believed what he said. Well, after all, he has all the infos that you needed to hear. Plus, you know a bit about his background and what he did that makes you totally believe in him.

So what happened? After talking to you, he said he will take care of the business for you. He said, he will split the profit 50-50. For the first few months, things looks good. Very good. But a few months later, things started to go the wrong way. This guy, in fact, has instead 'used' you to built up his own empire and reputation. Of course, by now, he has all the time in the world managing his new found wealth. So where does that leave you? He has built his empire so big that you are no longer important to him. You try to talk to him but more often the answer was, I'm sorry bro, I'm busy. Talk to my assistant if you need anything.

So there you go, a friend in need is a friend indeed eh? So to this type of friend, although some maybe happy with his new found wealth, he has totally lost my respect. I blamed myself for totally believing in him. Of course, he had showed me some good values about life but there are things that he shouldn't have done in the first place. Money is important but not to the extent of squeezing from your circle of friends. Well, good luck to him anyways. As with other things in life, there are ups and downs. Wished him all the best though....

So what did i learn?

I learned that:

-Never trust anyone 100%
-Take the good values you can gain and leave the rest to fate
-I learned to think smarter in terms of decision making......

have a nice day

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