Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Being a good businessman......

Any tips on how to be a good businessman anyone?

We've heard of things like: passion, trust, hard work, believe, yada yada yada....but there must be something else that separates Bill Gates and John Doe right? There must be something else that separates Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Lay and En Azwan....

Is it luck? Communication? Focus? Big pockets?

I admire Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar alot but I would love to know how did he start building his wealth. There comes a time that I was thinking to myself that I felt that I still haven't found what I'm looking for. Of course, I'm so grateful of the things that I have and the life that I'm enjoying now. But, there's a part of me that still needed to find that 'x' factor in my life in general.

During my visit to Bogor recently, came across a very big mansion situated in Rancamaya golf Course. I was made to understand that the mansion belong to a guy who owned Olympic Furniture. Of course, the name doesn't ring a bell for those in Malaysia. But Olympic Furniture is so huge in Indonesia. I then wikied 'olympic furniture' and got to know the owner, Mr Au Bintoro. I somewhat admired what he has done so far. I even found an article about him saying this : “Jangan habiskan waktu hidupmu hanya untuk dirimu! Paling tidak, berikanlah sisa usiamu untuk Bangsamu, untuk Negerimu, untuk Indonesia Raya.”

Wow...If only we had more people like him here we could be a better country. hahaha.

Well...whatever being said, Malaysia is a land of opportunity. It's a place that you'll get what you want if you work hard enough. Only the lazy won't be able to survive in Malaysia.

To be frank, I read somewhere, that we need to constantly search for new things in our life to better ourselves. I for one, will keep on searching for it.

Having said that, I'm quite glad that part of my plans for this year 2010 has already been done except for the purchase of properties. WEll, I guess, that can wait. Maybe next year, maybe the end of the year. Hehehe. Who knows... Perhaps, need to do something else..............apa ya??

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