Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ride to KL-25th January

I had a bad dream that morning. I dreamt something about my friend throwing stones at me. Huh!!...pelik... But fortunately I was awaken by bro BakTR's thundering pipes. Apalah pagi2 ni memekak jer. Hehehe. I remembered that we had to be at Bro jimmy's place for breakfast. Jimmy had specially catered nasi kerabu for all of us. Waahhh...rezeki nih!! So after a quick sms to eddie who stayed in Wakaf Che yeh, all of us head to Bro Jimmy's place which is about 5 minutes ride from where we stayed. His house is quite big and it was very nice of him to belanja us the tasty nasi kerabu.

Looks delicious eh?

After spending close to about 2 hours at Jimmy's place, we've been invited by our member, payet, to visit his house in Pasir Mas for lunch. Wow!!...Langkah kanan lagi!! Another free food. So we said our goodbyes and thanks to Jimmy, we head off to Pasir Mas following the same road to Rantau Panjang. The traffic was a little bit heavy as I think a lot of people are using the road to head to Rantau Panjang for shopping. I'm pretty sure my missus would love to visit here one day.

Anyway, about 20 minutes of riding, we reached Payet's place at Pasir Mas. We were there quite earlier as the lunch wasn't fully prepared as yet. So, here we go again, chatting/NOS/kutuk2 until payet gave us the signal that lunch is ready. Thank you payet for the nice tomyam, daging goreng, udang, etc....Lovely....

It was almost 2pm before we decided we should be on our way out of Kelantan as we do not wanna ride the Jeli-Grik highway at night. So, we said thanks to Payet's family and we head straight to Rantau Panjang's petrol station for a quick refuel.

Our next stop would be at Jeli's petrol station. The ride to Jeli was smooth at first but towards reaching Jeli, it started to rain. Some of us decided to stop while myself and few other decided to continue our journey. HOwever, our heroic acts were stopped as the rain was too heavy to continue. So we decided to stop nearby a muslim cemetary in front of MRSM Jeli. Luckily the rain stops after 10 minutes and we managed to continue our journey to Jeli smoothly.

Upon reaching Jeli, after a quick refuel and prayers, we continued our journey to Gerik via Tasik Banding. This is the most testing road for all of us as the road is full with twists, turns and blind corners. And plus, the rain was falling heavily and kabus tebal along the way till we reached the banjaran titiwangsa look out point. It wasn't a pleasant way to enjoy the ride as we had to go 'really' slow in navigating the wet roads. Back in 2007, a friend of mine fell at a corner somewhere along this road as it was slippery.

Upon reaching Tasik Banding, we noticed that the Petronas station has been closed so we decided to stop to empty our bladder and of course, to help in increasing Tasik Banding level of water.. Hehehe.

After some photo and smoko session, we hit the road again to Gerik. It was about half past 4 or maybe 5pm during this time. Luckily for us, the rain has stopped and we were blessed with some fine weather all the way till Gerik town. In fact, I used this opportunity to really hit the throttle hard even-though I was among the last in the pack. Sometimes I managed to reach 120km/h. Bad huh? But the road was nicely paved and the corners are manageable.

We arrived Gerik town safely and made a stop at the Petronas station. Another refuel and smoko session and about 630pm we hit the road again. A friend suggested to stop at Sg Perak so we said ok. It was an uneventful ride with big, wide roads ahead of us. The weather was something erratic as at certain places it was raining heavily and at times, it was dry. At one point, the pack was separated into 2 as some of us decided to pay a visit to the loo. Hehehehe

After the rather quicky stop, we head to Kuala Kangsar. We were speading when we saw the first group has made a stop at roadside stall. So we had to make a U-Turn to go to that stall to meet the others.

We had our dinner there and most of us had the rather sweet char kuay teow (is this how you spell it?). I'm serious. It's sweet. Hahahah

I do not know how many times I spent going to the loo for the ride, but after eating the sweet kuay teow, some of us when decided to throw some excess baggage. Then, we were on the road again heading to Sg Perak for the 2nd last refuel for the ride. I do not know why I was happy when I saw the PLUS highway signboard. ANyway, we head to Sg Perak RnR stop via the PLUS highway. Finally, I can push the bike a little bit harder. Hehehehe.

After refueling at Sg Perak RnR, we to head off to Tapah's RnR for another refuel stop. Again, an uneventful ride as all of us reach safely at Tapah's RnR for the last refuel stop. This time, the stop was a bit longer. We talked about the ride that we had, and it was agreed that all of us had the time of our lives during the ride. Something about the ride that makes it special and it's hard to put into words.....

It's about 12am before I decided to head home. I had this 'going-home' syndrome as I missed my little princess and my missus. About 4 of my friends decided to stay a little bit longer but for the rest of us, it's time to head home. However, before anything else, we decided to have another smoke/chit-chat/kutuk2 session at Ulu Bernam's RnR. Hahahaha...

Anyway, I reached home that day at about 2.30am. I can't sum it all in words but to be frank, I'm thinking twice whether I should sell-off the bike or not. I had fun riding it. And the ride to KB showed how strong and sturdy the bike is. Let's see how it goes for the next couple of weeks but for the time being, I smiled everytime I think about the Ride to KB. It's certainly one of the best rides of my life. In short, it's one hell of a ride................

To all my brothers in BMG...I salute you!!


  1. Very nice report!. you should have posted this in ERU forum bro :)

  2. A very comprehensive report and really it is a priceless ride for me and my other brother riders wouldn't agree more...Words juz cannot describe each second as the clock ticks away..Though it was indeed a long journey but It was worth the ride...Cheers to all the 17 brother riders..
