Thursday, August 26, 2010

Unit Trust....2nd cycle...

Since I've made a wee bit of profit from my first ever investment in unit trust a couple of weeks ago, I decided to close the account and put it back in my Account 1 of my EPF savings. So, with that small profit now in EPF, I could get more dividends for this year lah. Again...not much.....

However, yesterday, I've made my 2nd cycle of investing in unit trust. Again, via EPF account I. My cousin now is handling my account for me. So let's see how it goes....''Unit trust is for the long term''-that's what i've been telling myself. But if I can get more or less the same amount that I received in my first cycle, I'll be very happy.....

Updates on Unipark Condo:

1. The lights & fans has been installed last Tuesday
2. The curtains will be up by Sunday
3. The grills will be installed by Wednesday
4. The unit has been advertised in
5. Furnitures & Fittings will be done when a suitable tenant has been identified

Hope to write a wee bit about the total cost incurred for furnishing the place later.

Have a good week....Selamat Berbuka....

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