Monday, April 5, 2010

Tembak Mati Rakan Sendiri

My my....what do we have today? Apparently, two idiots decided to rob Poh Kong somewhere in KL. While doing their business, a guard shot one of em. He was hit at the stomach according to KOSMO (yeahhh...I read what?). The robbers then made a quick getaway and upon entering McD, the one that got shot went tumbling down. And guess what happened next, his accomplice shot him several times and took away the balance of the gold items. Dennnggg......What kind of news are we having in boleh-land nowadays eh? How could he shot his own friend just like that? It's sickening to read and even as I'm writing this I'm still shaking my head in total disbelief.

What have we become?

Full news can be found here

*The image is taken from THE STAR