Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bengkek lagi.......

This is a continuation for my blog titled: Bengkek jerk...

Again today, I received a complaint from my colleague with regards to the issue. This time, it has been told to me that the claimant is making a hell lot of noise at our principal. The principal, with all their good sense, decided to jump the gun and gave us hell. Wow!! Thank you very much for that!! The incident happened last year and when did you guys decide to appoint us? Apr 09? Is that right? Thank you very much for trusting us.

Now is May 09, suddenly just because someone is making so much noise, after barely 3-4 weeks of appointing us, you start to yell and say things to us? Well...thank you again. We'll work doubly hard to prove you wrong. I pray that you all will lead a happier lives after this....

And again...please....we are human and just like yourself, have feelings. Talk to us nicely and we'll respond positively...........


  1. wow...you're able to turn negative energy into positive energy.

  2. wow..you were able to turn negative energy into positive bro...positive thinking!
