Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Another maid?

Just got ourselves a maid the other day.

Paid few thousand to the agent. I'm few thousand poorer this week. :(. In fact, I've paid another few thousand for kecik's school fees.....huhu......Funny how you struggled to save money for months but you can actually finish it within 10 seconds with a stroke of pen!!

Anyways, I've had so many bad experience with these maids. Most of 'em ran away. If I recall, I've spent almost RM21k to get these maids all these years.

They worked for about 6 months before they decided to run away. Identical cases most of the time.

Anyways, it's kinda difficutl that i'm working and wifey's working, so there's no one to mend the house as well as taking care of kecik after school. Mom's getting old and obviously she need someone to help her doing the house chores.

I really pray to Allah that she will be a good maid. At least, stick with us for 2 years at least.

Amin Ya Rabb


  1. tu laa bro, selalu dgr org yang ada maid ni kasik problem. ntah laa bro

  2. Update:

    She said she don't wanna work anymore.

    So we are maidless for the time being. Again!!

    These people, I'm telling you....a bunch of blood-sucking parasites!!

  3. salam azwazis, i dah 4 kali ambik maid tapi the last two alhamdulillah. The best thing before u ambik ambik maid buat la solat hajat insyaallah , Allah akan bantu kita. Nasihat and tip from my sister all her maid boleh tahan sampai 5 tahun jaga anak istimewa. Insyaallah

  4. abe... tak lekat lagi?... aiseh menggg... ini macam awak jadi maid saja from home gitu.
