Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Valuable lessons learnt today...

Today has been a rather strange day for me. It was the first time that I did something without ever thinking hard of doing it. There was no effort from my part although I should have known that I need to do it for the last 2 or 3 weeks ago...

What happened was, I was asked a couple of questions which I assumed I could answer but when the time comes, I froze and went total black-out!! Some of the questions were rather straight-forward but I still stutter and couldn't answer it properly. I was nervous as hell and I wasn't able to think rather straight...

Perhaps, the next time (if there is a next time) whenever I need to do something, I will try to find out every single thing connected to it. It doesn't matter if you think that it'll be a waste of time but who knows you might need it when the time comes. I need to open my ears wider nowadays and read more newspapers in keeping up with the news. I realized that I've been pretty 'laid-back' for the last couple of weeks and today served as a wonderful lesson and I got kick pretty hard on my ego!!

So from today, I will try to read more quality readings (plus golf magazines..hehehe). It's for the better...I believe it is....

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