Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Just a chat....

I was with a friend last night chatting about our glorious post high-school days.

It's funny to think about those wonderful memories when you were 17-18 years old. No problems and nothing to think about. Life for me at that time was, empty. I woke up at 10am, lepak, play football and then lepak again till 3-4am in the morning at Uptown, Damansara. Nothing better to do. Work? Why work I thought to myself. I was waiting for my SPM result at that time, so I just wanna do nothing at all. Like I was wonderful.

Money? Who needs money when you're 17 years old. I don't need to spend RM10 to play football like most kids nowadays are paying. I played in a proper field with real grass and stones. Not in a hall. I don't have fancy boots. At that time, if I can remember correctly, I wore a Patrick Cosmos and boot Fung Keong. I thought they were brilliant pair of football boots.

Handphones? I don't even know what it was at that time. How times have changed eh? My daughter now likes to play games on my phone as well as the missus. I'm thinking of getting her an Ipod so that she won't touch our phones ever!!

Anyway, back to the topic, this friend told me, life's getting complicated. With the bills to pay, children's education, bla bla bla....Stuff that a normal human being should be worried about. I said, yeah.....I agree with everything he said. Nothing is easy nowadays but at least, we can control our lives. He was asking me, what shall he do if he has RM20k in his wallet.

Well, being a good fried, my reply was....put RM15k in ASB lah. The other RM5k, you can buy urself, your wife or kid a good insurance coverage. You might even have extra cash to be invested in Unit Trust. Hehehehe.

Basically, my answer was very simple. It all depends on what you want in the future. It's kinda hard to help if you don't know what you want, but at least, have an aim. Then work towards it.

Life's never been easy and never will. But, if you can control your life, you can make it a wee bit easier. hehehee

Have a good day

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